October 25, 2024 /

ZOOM-Gathering with Rabbi Ilyse Kramer & family in memory of Luigi Lior Starr Kramer, z’l

March 12, 2023, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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On Sunday, March 12th, 5 pm on Zoom, there will be a virtual gathering for members of Beth El and Chisuk Emuna to gather with Rabbi Ilyse and her family.


This informal gathering will begin with some sharing from the family about Luigi z”l and then any of us who feel comfortable will be invited to share resources that have helped us/help us through challenging times in our own lives. Rabbi Ilyse spoke so openly about the challenges she is facing and how since everyone experiences loss, we all have chizuk/strength to share with each other. So may it be.

The Zoom link for this gathering is on the Chisuk Emuna website, www.chisukemuna.org.

Please let Rabbi Muroff know if you are able to attend.

Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek,

Be strong, be strong and let us strengthen one another,

Ron Muroff
