October 23, 2024 /


Shabbat Morning Services: HIAS Refugee Shabbat

February 4, 2023, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Beth El Temple
2637 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110

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Services are led by Rabbi Capptauber and held in person at the synagogue, and are also available on our Live Streaming page. Everyone is welcome!

To commemorate HIAS Refugee Shabbat, we will have two guest speakers who came to the U.S last April from Ukraine with their two young children. They will educate us about the conflict in Ukraine and how to help. Join us to hear these important voices in our community.

A kiddush luncheon follows the service.

This week’s parsha: Parashat Beshalach
Torah Reader: Rena Cheskis
Haftarah Reader: Mandy Cheskis